Season 2, Episode 1 – Sarah Penner

Leading off Season 2 of History Through Fiction: The Podcast is Sarah Penner, author of the New York Times Bestseller The Lost Apothecary. In this episode we chat with Penner about the incredible success of her debut novel and her experience transitioning from being a writer who works full-time to being a full-time writer. We also chat with her about overcoming rejection, the importance of portraying women’s stories, and her role encouraging writers who are not as far along in the process. As she states, “I think it’s important for people to know that these dreams are not inaccessible to them.” Don’t miss it!

Season 2, Episode 1 – History Through Fiction: The Podcast
Sarah Penner

About the Author

Sarah Penner worked in Finance before she began writing seriously in 2015, after attending a moving lecture given by Elizabeth Gilbert. Soon after her talk, she enrolled in my first online creative writing class and she hasn't looked back since. Penner is an avid traveler whose favorite destinations include London, Thailand, Ireland, Germany, Belize, and Grand Cayman. In early 2021, after thirteen years in corporate America, she left my day job and is thrilled to call her a full-time writer. Now, she is the New York Times bestselling author of the historical fiction and magical realism novel The Lost Apothecary.

Colin Mustful

Colin Mustful is the founder and editor of History Through Fiction, an independent press dedicated to publishing historical narratives rooted in factual events and compelling characters. A celebrated author and historian whose novel “Reclaiming Mni Sota” recently won the Midwest Book Award for Literary/Contemporary/Historical Fiction, Mustful has penned five historical novels that delve into the complex eras of settler-colonialism and Native American displacement. Combining his interests in history and writing, Mustful holds a Master of Arts in history and a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing. Residing in Minneapolis, Minnesota, he enjoys running, playing soccer, and believes deeply in the power of understanding history to shape a just and sustainable future.


Season 2, Episode 2 – Stephanie Landsem


History Through Fiction: The Podcast – Season 2 is Coming Soon!