Season 5, Episode 11 - Cy Stein
Season 5, Episode 11 of History Through Fiction: The Podcast features Cy Stein, author of the novel A Time for Lies. During the interview, host Colin Mustful talks with Stein about the rise of McCarthyism in the 1950s and the danger it represented, why he chose to write alternate history instead of historical fiction or nonfiction, and the direct links he sees between McCarthyism of the past and what’s happening today. Don’t miss it!
About the Author
Cy Stein comes from suburban NYC and still lives in the area. After a successful career in medical oncology, he returned to his first love: historical fiction. He has written four works of historical fiction, two are set in ancient Rome; The Medicus Codex and Becoming Caligula. His other two works are alternate WW2 era histories, Rocket’s Red Glare and his newest, a McCarthy era thriller, A Time For Lies. Praised for his historical accuracy, diverse characters, and believable dialogue, Stein’s work reads like commercial page-turners while exploring an unexplored historical question: how do amoral, narcissistic individuals achieve power and how do normal individuals trapped in their orbit survive? In his newest novel, A Time For Lies, unexpected twists and turns with insights into Roy Cohn and Joseph McCarthy will keep readers engaged to the last page.